Court Marriage is a safe, simple as well as a cost effective alternative process of a traditional marriage. Couples from the various nationalities, inter-religion, inter-castes can also solemnize their marriage and register their marriage in the marriage registrar office under the presence of the three witnesses. 

Time Consumes in Court Marriage in India

The whole process takes the time of up to 60 days, beginning from giving notice, provided that no objection comes up within the 30 days from the date of publication of the notice. If anyone has any objection comes up, then within the inquiry period of 30 days allotted for the Marriage Officer.  

You'll get the legal security

A court marriage protects both the parties i.e. The man and The woman, but especially the woman, in law. While you enter into a marriage expecting the best outcome, sometimes things go in the wrong direction. 

Can court marriage be done online in India?

The procedure of Court marriage in India cannot be performed online and the bride and the groom need to appear in the registrar office before the Marriage Registrar at least twice to get their marriage registration done.

Parents can be the witness of Court marriage

According to the process, there must be three witnesses for the solemnization of the valid Court Marriage. Any person, i.e. a family friend, any member of the family, friend of the bride or the groom, colleague can be a witness to a Court Marriage.

Steps during the process of the Court Marriage

There are various steps which need to be fulfilled during the process of court marriage, which are described following:

·        Drafting of Notice of Court Marriage

First of all, we will draft a notice of intended marriage. After drafting the notice, it will be published. After the time period of 30 days i.e. After the date of the publication the notice, no objection comes up. 

·        Deciding the Place of Solemnization of Court Marriage

Your Court Marriage can be solemnized at the marriage registrar office of the district where either one of you have stayed for at least 30 days, prior to your filing of the notice.

After that you are then required to select the jurisdiction from where you want to get your marriage to be solemnized with your partner. 

·        Finalization of Documentation

Our top lawyers in Delhi will set up a mutually convenient time for you, your partner and three witnesses to meet at the marriage registrar office to finalize the documentation for the Court marriage.

·        Publication of Notice

The marriage registrar officer will publish the notice and invite No objections to the intended marriage within 30 days of publication of the notice.

Objections to the Marriage

In case if any objection is raised, the Marriage Officer will decide on the objections after giving the parties an opportunity for their case to be represented. If the objections are found to be true, then the marriage cannot be solemnized. However, an appeal against the decision of the marriage registrar officer can be filed in the district court under the jurisdiction of the Marriage Officer.

Date of the Marriage

In case of no objections or if objections were removed after 30 days of the publication of the Notice, based on a mutually convenient time, you and your spouse along with the same three witnesses will appear in front of the marriage registrar office to sign a declaration and get the marriage to be solemnized.

Marriage Certificate

After signing the declaration, the marriage registrar will issue a marriage certificate. The marriage certificate will have to be signed by both of the parties and three of their witnesses. Upon signing of the document, the marriage certificate will be issued to the newlywed couple.

Court Marriage in Mumbai

In Mumbai, the process of Court marriage in Mumbai is very popular as well as common. Nowadays, various couples choose the option of Court marriage as it is safe as well as cheap. The jurisdiction also provides you the security as well as protection to live.

Court Marriage in Delhi

The Court marriage in Delhi is also having the same process. Both the parties need to fulfill their document verification after the publication of the notice. After getting “No objection” with the presence of three witnesses in front of the marriage registrar office. They dully need to sign the papers, and the marriage can be solemnized.

Why Lead India

The Lead India assists you the best top lawyers in Delhi for the court marriage. The whole process of this marriage consumes 60 days. After getting the ‘No objection’, you can get your marriage registered, and can have your Marriage certificate.


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